Monday, September 17, 2007

23 Things - Completed!

My favorite things out of the 23 were flickr, online productivity tools, youtube and mosaica screensaver. As you can guess - these are the things I believe that I will use in the future. I am anticipating that they will make several areas of my life smoother, things like.... sharing photos, keeping the family calendar up to date, and helping volunteer work be more productive and streamlined. Some things are just for pleasure, things like...mosaica (LOVE the variety!!), and youtube is a hoot (nice, quick laughs to lighten my day!!). I am sure there are many applications that are work related, things productivity & wikis. Also, just knowing about these things (actually much more than 23!) will help me help customers.

I really liked the way the program was set up - self-discovery at your own pace. That is how I learn best. I also found that the more people that finished (before me) the more I was able to do - they gave encouragement and advise on details, both in person and online through blog advise. Generally I found it a bit rough getting started - it took doing 6-7 things before I figured out how to handle it all efficiently. The middle several things were the most time intensive for me - the "meat" of the experience. And it was very nicely planned that the last few things were more fun - not as time intensive. There were times when the whole thing was frustrating - mostly related to computer speed and lack of time - and there were times when I really played and found very useful stuff.

Thanks for the memories!!

1 comment:

IrmBrown said...

Congrats on completing! I love your blog and I appreciate your comments. Glad you got some useful take-aways. :-)

My Rollyo...